Legal protection against disability discrimination
It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against a disabled individual.
The Equality act applies to all aspects of employment including: application processes, form filling, selection of candidates,and associated skill testing. It also covers individuals where employment termination, dismissal, pay, promotion, and training programmes.
The employer must make “reasonable adjustments” to prevent disabled individuals from being disadvantaged in comparison to other individuals e.g. working hours must be adjusted, or equipment must be provided ......
Individuals may only be asked particular questions concerning their disability in order to determine the following:
If the individual can undertake the interview in the first place
If the individual can carry out an essential task part of the work
Whether reasonable adjustments are required for the following selection process
To help monitoring
If this helps the employer decide whether they want to hire more disabled workers
If this is necessary to undertake national security checks
Redundancy and retirement
An individual's job cannot be terminated solely due to their disability
Under what legal act is an individual with a mental illness protected under?
At present the legal act which covers mental illnesses is the Equality act 2010. The purpose of this act is to legally protect individuals against discrimination
This Act has combined the following acts:
Equal pay act 1970
Sex discrimination act 1975
Race relations act 1976
Disability discrimination act 1995
When is depression or any other mental considered as a disability?
Disability under the equality act is defined as when an individual has a PHYSICAL or MENTAL impairment
This impairment has a “SUBSTANTIAL” and “LONG TERM” affect on the indivduals to undertake normal daily activities
Substantial: significant enough to impair daily tasks
Long term : duration of 12 months
Mental health conditions which may lead to disability include: dementia, depression, bipolar, OCD, schizophrenia, self-harm
It’s illegal to treat disabled students unfairly for example:
· ‘direct discrimination’ - eg refusing admission to a student because of disability
· ‘indirect discrimination’ - eg only providing application forms in one format that may not be accessible
· ‘discrimination arising from a disability’ - eg a disabled pupil is prevented from going outside at break time because it takes too long to get there
· ‘harassment’ - eg a teacher shouts at a disabled student for not paying attention when the student’s disability stops them from easily concentrating
· victimisation – eg suspending a disabled student because they’ve complained about harassment
Other support and aids must also e provided by the education provider e.g. physical features (ramps) and aids (teachers/assistance)
Breaking the law
Depending on the impairment, an individual has certain rights whilst being questioned/ interviewed within a police station
Right to medical treatment
If the individual is being kept in a cell they have the right to paramedic, nurse or a police surgeon (sometimes referred to as a ‘Forensic Medical Examiner’)
Deaf, hearing, impaired speech
An interpreter must be present at the time of the interview unless a delay would result in harm to others
Learning disabilities
There must be an “appropriate adult” i.e. an individual that DOESN’T work for the police and has expertise in dealing with people who have learning disabilities. Again this may not be the case if a delay would have detrimental consequences