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Aetiology of depression 

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Linkage studies have been used to establish the association of familial genes and depression. Supportive studies have revealed that may contribute to regions on chromosomes 1,3,4,6,8,11,12,15, and 18. However replications of such studies have been unachievable, implying that multiple gene loci is responsible for the heterogenous nature of depression. Furthermore such studies would require about 1000 depressed sibling pairs in order to identify the locus responsible for inducing depression. Depression of course, still occurs in those without these specific genetic defects.  Family, twins and adoption studies have confirmed the induction of mental disorders by genetics and environmental factors. Female twin studies have revealed that genes influencing the risk of Generalised Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression are completely shared between both disorders. 



Psychological factors

Distressing events such as loss of a loved one, redundancy and separation can precipitate episodes of depression 

Traumatic events

Distressing  life events such as physical, verbal, mental abuse as well as life-changing  accidents can have an extremely debilitating impact on an individuals life , which in some cases, they may never be able to recover from. 

Social environment 

Depressive episodes can often be triggered by an individual's change in circumstance e.g. becoming homeless, or being a social recluse.

Chronic illnesses 


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The prevalence of depression in patients suffering from chronic conditions is 2-3x greater compared to a healthy individual, an studies suggest that 20% of patients suffer from depression. Chronic conditions account for 15.4-17 million people within the UK. Depression may presen in a variety of long term conditions including musculoskeletal conditions (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, cancers, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.) Other debilitating conditions include alzheimers disease, COPD, HIV/aids. 

Drug induced depression 

Several drugs can cause psychiatric side effects such as:

  • Mood changes

  • Depression

  • Suicidal thoughts


Such side effects can be caused by:

  • Opiates

  • Antiepileptics e.g. carbamazepine, topiramate and sodium valproate

  • Antiparkinsonian treatments


Other drugs which can cause depressive symptoms:

  • Antimalarials e.g. chloroquine and mefloquine

  • Non-nucleoside reverse inhibitors e.g. Efavirenz

  • Beta blockers (most commonly propranolol)

Depression may be induced by stressed, click on the stress globe to find out more 


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